Monday, October 19, 2009

Lookie What I Found

Check out this AMAZING blog!

Dear Thyroid

VERY cool! :)


  1. Hi Mel,
    I saw your post over at Dear Thryoid and thought I'd drop you a line.
    I noticed that you have some of the same problems I had for a really long time. I used to have awful achiness and was in constant fear of migraines and muscle spasms every time I moved or put any challenge on my back muscles or lifted my arms (God forbid lift an iron skillet).

    Turned out, yet another lovely autoimmune disease was responsible. I have pernicious anemia which prevents me from properly absorbing B12. B12, you probably know, is in abundance in meat, dairy and eggs, but if your stomach isn't producing "intrisic factor," you won't be able to make it available to your tissues.

    Unfortunately, the B12 test isn't very sensitive, it has a 50% rate of false negative. If you ask to be evaluated, insist on getting an MMA test, too, which will be high if you have a B12 deficiency. You want your B12 level to be around 800, which is optimal. Unfortunately, most labs say you're okay if your B12 isn't over 200. Crazy!!

    Good luck, hope you aren't feeling too lousy today. Kit in St. Louis

  2. Hey Kit! Thanks for the comment and all the great info! Yes, as a matter of fact on the last visit my Primary Doctor told me that he wanted me to eat more leafy green vegetables because I was a bit low in the Vitamin B12 department. He didn't mention anything else however and I'm so glad you explained it all in detail here. My doctor also prescribed iron pills which I have been taking for the last few months. He didn't formally diagnose me as being anemic but I most likely am since I feel the difference when I skip a day. It's truly amazing how one disease can affects so many other factors. You're totally right about insisting on getting the proper tests and evaluations done too. We need to be our own advocates and not be afraid to speak up about how we feel and seek out the answers as to why we are feeling that way. Thanks so much Kit and hope you are feeling well today also! I'm going to go ahead and publish this comment in a blog post because the information is so great and relevant here it's worth repeating. Take care! :) -Mel in NY
